In a word, Pomegranate

“Look at all the life in this," she said. "Every pip could become a tree, and every tree could bear another hundred fruits and every fruit could bear another hundred trees. And so on to infinity." — David Almond, Skellig


On the last day of school before Christmas vacation, a very kind and very cleaver educator sent me one of the most considerate gifts that I have ever received — a pomegranate. He explained that the pomegranate or punica granatum is symbolic in many cultures, representing prosperity, ambition, abundance, and good luck — all lovely gifts for the new year. He spoke of the health benefits of this "frickin' delicious" fruit as well as the effort required to harvest its seeds: “If you have never taken the time to break down a pomegranate, you’re in for a treat (and an arduous task). But the manner in which the seeds are so tightly packed and delicately protected is a true natural marvel. Kind of like every day we get to be alive on this planet. May your pom have 365+ seeds to cover you for each day this next year! May your 2021 be the best rebound year you could have ever imagined. And may every little sweet, tart, delicious seed you harvest represent a beautiful day or memory in the year to come.” What a generous gift and, as my friend suggests, “If each seed is one of happiness for you, perhaps you may bring happiness to others. And this connected happiness becomes joy for everyone!”

The final aspect of this wonderful present was a challenge to document the process of harvesting the seeds and to share my photos. "The shared images of hilarity, frustration, and fun could (selfishly) end up being the best part of this gift. It is likely you will be left with deep red juice on the counter, the floor, your shirt, your hands, just about everywhere. And that’s part of the messy journey. The fruits of your labor are the result of your work. Lean into the process so you can enjoy the product. But don’t ever forget that the process is how you got there.”

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In the final weeks of December, I always take time to reflect on the past year and to "plan" for the new by choosing one word to guide my thoughts and observations. In 2019, my word was "wonder." In 2020, I chose "focus." Thanks to my cleaver friend, my somewhat enigmatic word for 2021 is "pomegranate."

May 2021 be a year …

  • of good health -- In contrast to 2020, may the new year be one of healing of bodies, minds, and hearts.

  • of potential -- In 2021, I will strive to contribute, to create, to make (or to quote my alma mater "to be") the difference.

  • of abundance -- May we all recognize the abundance of blessings, hope, and joy, and inspiration in the ordinary and the extraordinary.

And I promise to document “the messy journey.”

The beginning of “the messy journey.” I learned that if you whack the pomegranate all around with a wooden spoon, the seeds, called arils release more easily. (Thanks, Nan!)

The beginning of “the messy journey.” I learned that if you whack the pomegranate all around with a wooden spoon, the seeds, called arils release more easily. (Thanks, Nan!)

Piper discovered that pomegranates are indeed “frickin’ delicious” and she will undoubtedly be by my side throughout the journey that is 2021.

Piper discovered that pomegranates are indeed “frickin’ delicious” and she will undoubtedly be by my side throughout the journey that is 2021.

Capture - Week 29: Food

“Live in each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit.” — Henry David Thoreau 🍒

#capture52 #capture52week29 #food #foodphotography #cherries #doorcounty #doorcountycherries #montmorencycherries

#capture52 #capture52week29 #food #foodphotography #cherries #doorcounty #doorcountycherries #montmorencycherries

French Friday: Le Macaron - Brookfield

« Manger un macaron c’est un petit excès sans le sentiment de commettre un pêché de gourmandise. » — Chantal Thomass

I know it’s not polite to play with your food, but I just can’t resist the temptation to arrange them and photograph them. They are a treat for the eyes as well as the palate.

I know it’s not polite to play with your food, but I just can’t resist the temptation to arrange them and photograph them. They are a treat for the eyes as well as the palate.

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Le Macaron at The Corners of Brookfield just opened last week. I’ve been staying pretty close to home, but it seemed worth it to don my mask and set out in search of these French beauties.

Le Macaron at The Corners of Brookfield just opened last week. I’ve been staying pretty close to home, but it seemed worth it to don my mask and set out in search of these French beauties.

They have French pastries too. That Napoleon is calling my name!

They have French pastries too. That Napoleon is calling my name!

Champagne + Gingerbread

“The year has held its ups and downs for me; I'm sure it has for you, too. I'm counting on the year ending on a note of joy (and gingerbread!) and look forward to a new year brimming with promise and peace.” - Kirby Larson (no relation!)

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For the past several years, Eric and I have enjoyed a New Year’s Eve lunch at our favorite French restaurant, Lake Park Bistro. We linger over Champagne and coffee and return home before the craziness of NYE ensues.

The pastry chefs at Lake Park created this beautiful gingerbread Eiffel Tower.

The pastry chefs at Lake Park created this beautiful gingerbread Eiffel Tower.

I looked online to learn more about the LPB Eiffel Tower and discovered that there was a whole gingerbread French village at the North Shore Boulangerie in Shorewood. 1. How did I not know that this French bakery/café exists? 2. How could I not driv…

I looked online to learn more about the LPB Eiffel Tower and discovered that there was a whole gingerbread French village at the North Shore Boulangerie in Shorewood. 1. How did I not know that this French bakery/café exists? 2. How could I not drive 3.5 miles to check it out?

What beautiful details — the flower cart, the croissants, the sugar glass windows, the exquisite piping! Read more about it here.

What beautiful details — the flower cart, the croissants, the sugar glass windows, the exquisite piping! Read more about it here.

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Week 51 - Inspiration: Foods

“There are only four great arts: music, painting, sculpture, and ornamental pastry — architecture being perhaps the least banal derivative of the latter.” - Julia Child

Week 51: Inspiration - Food: Be inspired by food. Yes, it really is that easy this week. You made it this far you deserve the break — a sweet, delicious break. #dogwoodweek51 #dogwood52 #2019dogwood52 #pastry #ladurée

Week 51: Inspiration - Food: Be inspired by food. Yes, it really is that easy this week. You made it this far you deserve the break — a sweet, delicious break. #dogwoodweek51 #dogwood52 #2019dogwood52 #pastry #ladurée

I Love Paris in the Fall • samedi 19 octobre 2019

“Paris is a moveable feast.” - Ernest Hemingway

58º with clear skies after rainy morning • 16,137 steps: Market on the avenue Président Wilson • Lunch at our apartment: mussels, baguette, olives, tomatoes, cheese, dates, wine • Cocktails at Bar Hemingway in the Ritz • Moonlight in our courtyard

58º with clear skies after rainy morning • 16,137 steps: Market on the avenue Président Wilson • Lunch at our apartment: mussels, baguette, olives, tomatoes, cheese, dates, wine • Cocktails at Bar Hemingway in the Ritz • Moonlight in our courtyard

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