Happy Feast Day to all of my Marian namesakes!
Have Faith
Hail Mary
Happy Feast Day to all of my Marian namesakes!
« Notre-Dame est aujourd'hui déserte, inanimée, morte. On sent qu'il y a quelque chose de disparu. Ce corps immense est vide; c'est un squelette; l'esprit l'a quitté, on en voit la place, et voilà tout. » Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris (1831).
I have marveled at her breathtaking architecture and climbed her bell tower to take in the stunning views. I have worshiped here during Advent and Lent, during Holy Week and on Easter Sunday, and even just because the bells summoned me to light a candle for my mom, dad, and grandma. And each time I visit, I stand upon Point Zéro knowing that I will return to her again.
Yet, one hundred eighty-eight years after the publication of Notre Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo’s ominous words feel eerily true again tonight. Today, as I watched the Cathedral burn, the Gothic spire fall, and the medieval roof collapse, I cried for the destruction of history, art, and sacred space. Today, as I answered concerned texts, phone calls, emails, and social media messages from friends and former students near and far, my heart swelled with love and appreciation. Tonight, as I watched the news that the structure and much of the artwork of the Cathedral has been saved and that, once again, just as in the time of Victor Hugo, the faithful of the world will unite to restore this spiritual and cultural treasure, I am hopeful.
(341/365) « Insistons sur l'amour, la gentillesse, la compréhension, la paix. Le reste nous sera offert. » - Mère Teresa
Tomorrow, the Eiffel Tower and several museums, restaurants, and shops around Paris will be closed. Throughout France since November 17th, increasingly violent demonstrations have occurred every weekend by the group known as the Gilet Jaunes | Yellow Vests. The situation is deeply troubling and I pray that it will soon be peacefully resolved. I do understand the Gilets Jaunes’ motivation to protest planned tax increases on France's already exorbitant fuel prices; yet, I certainly do not agree with their methods which have escalated to violence, injuries, and damage to both private property and historical treasures. Last weekend, a riot at the Arc de Triomphe resulted in the destruction of Le départ des volontaires de 1792, aka La Marseillaise -- depicting Marianne, the embodiment of the French Republic.
Am I concerned about traveling to Paris in February? Yes and no. Yes, I am cautious about safety issues, but then I always am when I travel. Despite what we see on the news, not all of Paris is in crisis, not all Parisiens are protesting. Tourists are not the target of these protests, but they aren't inherently protected from them either. I want my fellow travelers to fall in love with Paris like I did the first time I visited (and indeed every time I return). Ultimately, I do believe that bad things can and do happen everywhere, and that we can't be ruled by fear or what-ifs. Nonetheless, I will be extra diligent as I plan our trip.
“When you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go.” - Alexandra Stoddard
"Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy hill" (Psalm 99:9)
“Rocks and waters are words of God.” - John Muir