“The blue and bright-eyed floweret of the brook, Hope's gentle gem, the sweet Forget-me-not.” — Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Capture 52
Week 52 - Christmas: "Wonderful"
“The blue and bright-eyed floweret of the brook, Hope's gentle gem, the sweet Forget-me-not.” — Samuel Taylor Coleridge
“Feeling a little blue in January is normal.” - Marilu Henner
“If anybody here has trouble with the concept of design humility, reflect on this: It took us 5,000 years to put wheels on our luggage.”
- William McDonough
“Feeling a little blue in January is normal.” - Marilu Henner
January may be challenging, but I really love its color palate — pale blue skies, blankets of fresh snow, dark lacy branches, and tricolored beagles 💙
« La Tour Eiffel m'a toujours fait rêver. » - Alessandra Sublet
Et moi, je rêve d’une belle semaine à Paris avec, si on aura de la chance, un beau ciel bleu. On y ira en 35 jours.
« La mode se démode, le style jamais. » - Coco Chanel
Those wooden chairs, that perfect shade of navy, the worn cobblestones, the handwritten menu, the romantic graffiti, the balconies and shutters, the Paris street signs - comme c’est chic!