February 2, 2014 Photo (033/365): "Crêpes"
C'est la Chandeleur: La Fête de la Lumière et le jour des crêpes.
Wouldn't you rather eat crêpes than wait for the Groundhog to see his shadow? Before enjoying your crêpes, hold a gold coin in your dominant hand and flip the crêpe with your other hand. Make a wish and catch the crêpe in the pan. If you succeed, your wish should come true and your home will be bless with prosperity. So much more fun! Yet la Chandeleur also comes with weather predictions:
À la Chandeleur, l'hiver cesse ou reprend vigueur| On Candlemas, winter ends or strengthens
À la Chandeleur, le jour croît de deux heures | On Candlemas, the day grows by two hours
Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte | Candlemas covered (in snow), forty days lost
Rosée à la Chandeleur, hiver à sa dernière heure | Dew on Candlemas, winter at its final hour
Today was was sunny and cold, so we are in for forty more days of winter. The Groundhog confirmed it. Only 40 more days of Wisconsin winter? If only...