September 26, 2013 Photo of the day:
"What I learned from Father Naus"
This evening, the Marquette community said good-bye to Father John Naus, S.J. All week, students and alumni have been sharing what we've learned from Father Naus. Over the twenty-five years that I knew him, #FatherNausTaughtMe:
- Find out what you love and you'll never work another day in your life! (This thought is displayed on the bulletin board by my desk at school.)
- We rarely succeed at anything unless we have fun doing it.
- "Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way ;)"
- Eastern philosophy is more fun with fortune cookies,
- Balloon animals make exams less stressful.
- Miniature carnations will brighten your dorm room for a week.
- Laughter is one of God's greatest gifts.
- Clowns (like Tumbleweed) don't have to be scary.
- St. Joan of Arc Chapel was the place to be at 10:00 on Tuesday nights.
- If you forget the words to a song, just lip-sync "watermelon!"
- Look forward to awesome Christmas cards in July. (I'll miss them.)
- See written on the forehead of everyone you meet: "make me feel important."