
September 26, 2013 Photo of the day:
"What I learned from Father Naus"

This evening, the Marquette community said good-bye to Father John Naus, S.J. All week, students and alumni have been sharing what we've learned from Father Naus. Over the twenty-five years that I knew him,  #FatherNausTaughtMe:
  • Find out what you love and you'll never work another day in your life! (This thought is displayed on the bulletin board by my desk at school.)
  • We rarely succeed at anything unless we have fun doing it.
  • "Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way ;)"
  • Eastern philosophy is more fun with fortune cookies,
  • Balloon animals make exams less stressful.
  • Miniature carnations will brighten your dorm room for a week.
  • Laughter is one of God's greatest gifts.
  • Clowns (like Tumbleweed) don't have to be scary.
  • St. Joan of Arc Chapel was the place to be at 10:00 on Tuesday nights.
  • If you forget the words to a song, just lip-sync "watermelon!"
  • Look forward to awesome Christmas cards in July. (I'll miss them.)
  • See written on the forehead of everyone you meet: "make me feel important."
Father Naus was a Jesuit priest, a clown, a philosopher, a teacher, a mentor, and a friend. His memorial Mass at Gesu Church was a celebration of his amazing life. As we sang "Rejoice and Be Glad", my heavy heart began to lighten. I realized that my tears were not really sadness for myself but for the generations of Marquette students who will never be blessed to have known this extraordinary man. Yet Father Naus' spirit lives in all of us who he taught to "Be The Difference."