Delafield Riverwalk

September 14, 2013 Photo of the day:

Today, we discovered the beautiful river walk
from Cushing Park to St. John's Military Academy.

This mile-long trail winds through
woodlands, marsh, and green spaces...

along the Bark River in Delafield.

What a tranquil setting... 

for an afternoon stroll.

I was fascinated by the curly tendrils...

and the spiky fruit of these wild cucumbers.

I know, yet another dragonfly, but this one is red!

This little evergreen made a home in the base of an old tree.

There were so many varieties of wildflowers blooming...

After our walk, we enjoyed an early dinner 
on the terrace of Revere's Wells St. Tavern.

Since today was "halfway to St. Paddy's Day," 
we were serenaded by Irish musician, Ian Gould.
This afternoon felt like a vacation right here at home.