Summer 2020 in My Garden

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” — Audrey Hepburn

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Late summer’s focus is on light and texture as spring’s delicate, white blossoms give way to great verdant bunches of hydrangeas, sturdy cone flowers, fragrant roses, ephemeral daylilies, and ethereal catmint.

Late summer’s focus is on light and texture as spring’s delicate, white blossoms give way to great verdant bunches of hydrangeas, sturdy cone flowers, fragrant roses, ephemeral daylilies, and ethereal catmint.

Capture - Week 34: Mask

“In order to see birds it is necessary to become part of the silence.” — Robert Lynd. You also have to look very carefully because some of them are wearing a mask!

How strange that this list was posted before the pandemic yet this week’s category is mask. I have always thought that chickadees look like they are wearing little masks as they steal seeds from the feeder. #capture52 #capture52week #chickadee #mask

How strange that this list was posted before the pandemic yet this week’s category is mask. I have always thought that chickadees look like they are wearing little masks as they steal seeds from the feeder. #capture52 #capture52week #chickadee #mask

Capture 52 - Week 33: Abstract

“I am always searching for more light and space.” — Santiago Calatrava

Week 33 - Abstract: Capture something in a way that it would not usually be seen. Look for the details, the patterns, the lines, the form, shape and colors that complete a subject and utilizing those key features, make an engaging image that has the…

Week 33 - Abstract: Capture something in a way that it would not usually be seen. Look for the details, the patterns, the lines, the form, shape and colors that complete a subject and utilizing those key features, make an engaging image that has the viewer questioning what it is. #capture52 #capture52week33 #abstract #calatrava #milwaukeeartmuseum


Capture 52 - Week 32: Moody Atmosphere

“Poetry is a fresh morning spider-web telling a story of moonlit hours of weaving and waiting during a night.” — Carl Sandburg

#capture52 #capture52week32 #moodyatmosphere #moody #foggy #mistymorningfog #spiderweb

#capture52 #capture52week32 #moodyatmosphere #moody #foggy #mistymorningfog #spiderweb

A is for August

Accept differences. Be kind. Count your blessings. Dream. Express thanks. Forgive. Give freely. Harm no one. Imagine more. Jettison anger. Keep confidences. Love truly. Master something. Nurture hope. Open your mind. Pack lightly. Quell rumors. Reciprocate. Seek wisdom. Touch hearts. Understand. Value truth. Win graciously. Xeriscape. Yearn for peace. Zealously support something worthy.”


How can it be August already? In many ways, this year has been long and tedious, and yet, it’s almost time to go back to school — whatever that means! This month, rather than featuring a color, let’s brush up on our ABC’s (and 1, 2, 3’s … 4, 5). So for the next 31 days, I will take a photo of something that begins with the letter or illustrates number of the day. “You will enrich your life immeasurably if you approach it with a sense of wonder and discovery, and always challenge yourself to try new things.” –Nate Berkus

July 2020 in Pictures

“Give thanks for the heavy perfume of wild roses in early July and the song of crickets on summer humid nights and the rivers that run and the stars that rise and the rain that falls and all the good things that a good God gives.” - Ann Voskamp

Project 365 _July-2020_Collage.jpg