Links I Love • March 2020

“We are taking it one-day-at-a-time. There are things we can all do to get through this by following the advice of experts and taking care of ourselves and each other, no? Remember, despite all the current events, there is no crying in baseball.” - Tom Hanks


Capture 52 - Week 12: Macro

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” – Buddha

#capture52 #capture52week12 #macro #notmacrobutprettyclose #pretty #close #daisy

#capture52 #capture52week12 #macro #notmacrobutprettyclose #pretty #close #daisy

Capture 52 - Week 11: NQR

“Life without ballet would be pointless.”

Week 11: Not Quite Right #capture52 #capture52week11 #nqr #notquiteright #balletslippers #ballet #repetto

Week 11: Not Quite Right #capture52 #capture52week11 #nqr #notquiteright #balletslippers #ballet #repetto

Saturday Afternoon at the Art Institute of Chicago

“Impressionism means taking inspiration directly from nature, trusting your senses rather than what you think you know.” — Michael McClure

Half-priced train tickets and the final week of this awesome Impressionism exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago compelled me to spend Saturday afternoon in Chicago. Starting with Caillebotte’s rainy Paris street and ending with Seurat’s Sunday in…

Half-priced train tickets and the final week of this awesome Impressionism exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago compelled me to spend Saturday afternoon in Chicago. Starting with Caillebotte’s rainy Paris street and ending with Seurat’s Sunday in the park, it was my own Ferris Bueller moment. If only I hadn’t forgotten about the Chagall windows — next time!

These photos represent my favorites in the collection. I love this floral close-up, but I can’t remember which painting it was. Can anyone help me out?

Paris Street; Rainy Day (Gustave Caillebotte, 1877)

Paris Street; Rainy Day (Gustave Caillebotte, 1877)

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte (Georges Seurat, 1884-1886). Click here for my close-ups à la Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte (Georges Seurat, 1884-1886). Click here for my close-ups à la Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Little Dancer Aged Fourteen (Edgar Degas, 1879 - 1881)

Little Dancer Aged Fourteen (Edgar Degas, 1879 - 1881)

Three Studies of a Dancer in Fourth Position (Edgar Degas, 1879-1880). Click here for more of my Degas dancer photos.

Three Studies of a Dancer in Fourth Position (Edgar Degas, 1879-1880). Click here for more of my Degas dancer photos.

Water Lilies (Claude Monet, 1906)

Water Lilies (Claude Monet, 1906)

Click here for more of my photos of the Monets at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Click here for more of my photos of the Monets at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Two Sisters | On the Terrace (Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1881).

Two Sisters | On the Terrace (Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1881).

Click here for my of my Renoir photos at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Click here for my of my Renoir photos at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Women at Her Toilette (Berthe Morisot, 1875-1880)

Women at Her Toilette (Berthe Morisot, 1875-1880)

I love Morisot’s diagonal signature (and taking photos of artists’ signatures :)

I love Morisot’s diagonal signature (and taking photos of artists’ signatures :)

Ballet Dancers (Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, 1885-1886)

Ballet Dancers (Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, 1885-1886)

Eve (Auguste Rodin, 1881) + Water Lily Pond (Claude Monet, 1893)

Eve (Auguste Rodin, 1881) + Water Lily Pond (Claude Monet, 1893)

Sleepy Nicolle (Mary Cassatt, 1900)

Sleepy Nicolle (Mary Cassatt, 1900)

Bedroom in Arles (Vincent Van Gogh, 1888)

Bedroom in Arles (Vincent Van Gogh, 1888)

I went for the Impressionists, but was happily surprised to spot these Frank Lloyd Wright architectural elements.

I went for the Impressionists, but was happily surprised to spot these Frank Lloyd Wright architectural elements.

Great socks!

Great socks!

Funny Ferris T-Shirts

Funny Ferris T-Shirts

Cheers to a great afternoon in Chicago!

Cheers to a great afternoon in Chicago!

Art Institute of Chicago - Impressionism: Monet

“Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.” — Claude Monet

Is this a Monet? I can’t remember, but it’s my favorite photo of my day at the Art Institute.

Is this a Monet? I can’t remember, but it’s my favorite photo of my day at the Art Institute.

Monet’s Water Lilies are my favorite. Next time I’m in Paris, I plan on visiting them in the Orangerie.

Monet’s Water Lilies are my favorite. Next time I’m in Paris, I plan on visiting them in the Orangerie.


Art Institute of Chicago - Impressionism: Les Danseuses (Degas to Lautrec)

“People call me the painter of dancing girls. It has never occurred to them that my chief interest in dancers lies in rendering movement and painting pretty clothes.” - Edgar Degas

I only took ballet for a few years when I was a little girl, but I still love the grace, the costumes, the shoes…Perhaps that is why I always return to Repetto when I’m in Paris.

I only took ballet for a few years when I was a little girl, but I still love the grace, the costumes, the shoes…Perhaps that is why I always return to Repetto when I’m in Paris.

Evolution of Dance from Degas to Toulouse Lautrec

Evolution of Dance from Degas to Toulouse Lautrec