French Friday: On y va!

« Savoir où l'on veut aller, c'est très bien; mais il faut encore montrer qu'on y va. » - Emile Zola

…et aujourd’hui j’y vais! Demain, je serai encore à Paris!

…et aujourd’hui j’y vais! Demain, je serai encore à Paris!

French Friday: Une Voiture Jaune

le 31 août 2018 (243/365)

« On est dans une voiture jaune, la route est à nous et on a des tas de perspectives. » - Keith

As Long as It's Black

August 11, 2018 (223/365)

“Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.” - Henry Ford

La Neige sur Paris

le premier mars 2018 (060/365) « Quand mars commence en lion, il finit comme un mouton. »

It has been unseasonably cold in Paris these past few days and, last night, it snowed about one inch. At home, an inch would hardly be noticed, but here in Europe, a little snow is a big deal. In fact, our flight from Paris to Dublin tomorrow afternoon has already been cancelled. The good news is that we got on a good ole American flight directly from Paris to Chicago and will be home about six hours earlier than planned. It's wonderful to visit the places you love, but there's no place like home!


February 28, 2018 (059/365)

"Life is such a gift, I just say thank you all day." - Natalie Cole

I am so thankful for all of the birthday wishes and for the opportunity to celebrate in Paris! 

Mini Month

February 1, 2018 (032/365) "They are not long, the days of wine and roses..." - Ernest Dowson... in fact, they are only twenty-eight -- a "mini-month!"

Although many dread another month of darkness and cold winter weather, I rejoice in these twenty-eight days of pretty crimson hues, of hearts and flowers and beautiful snowscapes, punctuated by celebrations of la Chandeleur, the Winter Olympics, Mardi gras, Valentine's Day, and my birthday -- the exclamation point at the end of this lovely month!