Currently • May 2022

“All things seem possible in May.” — Edwin Way Teale


  • Vanderbilt: The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty — “New York Times author and journalist, Anderson Cooper, chronicles the rise and fall of a legendary American dynasty—his mother’s family, the Vanderbilts” (Goodreads).

  • Sweet Paris: Seasonal Recipes from an American Baker in France by Frank Adrian Barron — “Inspired by the tradition of l'heure du goûter, a daily French tradition similar to British teatime, and autour de la table, the idea of gathering around the table with good friends and delicious food, Sweet Paris is a love letter to the sublime world of desserts and the City of Light” (Goodreads). I don’t even bake, but I really liked this book.

  • Beautiful Little Fools — “Jillian Cantor revisits the glittering Jazz Age world of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, retelling this timeless American classic from the women’s perspective. It is a quintessential tale of money and power, marriage and friendship, love and desire, and ultimately the murder of a man tormented by the past and driven by a destructive longing that can never be fulfilled” (Goodreads).


  • My Next Guest Needs No Introduction (Netflix) — I’ve never been a big fan of David Letterman nor of many of this guests, but this show is really interesting and I have found a new respect for many of these people. And I still love George Clooney.

  • Downton Abbey: A New Era — The costumes and the scenery were beautiful, especially the villa in the South of French.

FEELING: Tired and eager to be done. Enough said.



  • The end of the school year — 8 more days for me

  • A trip to Universal Studios with the Larsons in June


  • Spring Break in Paris — The dates are set and the airline tickets are purchased. I’m currently searching for places to stay and curating lists of new-to-me restaurants, shops, and attractions. It will be so wonderful to be back after 3.5 years away.