July 2, 2018 (183/365)
"There are only two places in the world where we can live happy: at home and in Paris." - Ernest Hemingway
Thanks to Eric, I finally have the vintage Royal typewriter that I have wanted for years. Ernest Hemingway wrote both The Old Man and the Sea and my favorite A Moveable Feast on his Royal Quiet de Luxe. Hemingway's 1940's Royal was still at his home in Havana (now a museum) until 2007 when it sold at auction for $2750. Mine sits on a card catalogue in our living room along with a few favorite books including A Moveable Feast. I'm not very crafty, but I love today's little project -- a framed copy of my favorite Hemingway quote, typed on my Royal.
La Vie littéraire

2024 Reading Challenge