Oh, the weather outside is frightful!

December 16, 2015 {350/365}

Despite the beautiful decorations and Christmas carols everywhere, I'm finding it harder to get into the holiday spirit this year. How can this be December in Wisconsin? Our first significant snowfall just before Thanksgiving covered everything with a lovely blanket of white and I began dreaming of a White Christmas. But lately, it has been raining for days. I know I should be grateful that I don't have to scrape windows, shovel driveways, or navigate icy roads, and I count my blessings that our new home is on high ground. It's probably unrealistic, yet just imagine the winter wonderland if the temperatures were about 15º cooler. They say an inch of rain would produce ten inches of snow. Do you think it would help if we all sang Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!?