
December 10, 2013 Photo of the day: 
"Turning Things Around"

Today's educators are pulled in so many directions...

Older teachers can feel like they are from another era,
clinging to their old lessons and instruction.
They fool themselves into thinking that, by using
technology to digitize what they've always done,
that they are being creative and  innovative.

Who could have predicted how technology 
could truly transform learning?
(...and if you are from my era, you must

21st Century learning is 
Mobile (not static)
Networked (not isolated)
Individualized (not standardized)
Global (not local)
On demand (not on schedule)

Teachers may be "chicken" to try new things.

Technology may feel like a steep learning curve.

Some teachers don't take risks 
for fear that they will fall/fail.

Students, on the other hand, view technology as fun.
Games are engaging, motivating, and
may be used to demonstrate student proficiency.

Why not turn teacher technology 
professional development into a game too? 
If PD is fun and non-threatening, teachers may also
be more engaged and motivated.

Today I learned that 40% of Fortune 500 companies
use badges and levels as incentives.
Earning badges is rewarded with 
higher credentials and even compensation.

As Tech Coach, I also feel stretched.
There is never enough time and I feel like 
I have to be in several places at once. 
(#selfie = 2013 word of the year)

I fear being viewed as the Wicked Witch 
swooping in with her magic tech spells.
Yet I hope that my colleagues will summon 
the courage, the brains, and the hearts 
to follow me into this new world
of innovation, transformation, and authentic learning.

If we make learning fun 
for students and for teachers...

If we try something new that motivates 
people to truly engage in learning, 
we hit the jackpot!

Technology can enrich our learning and our lives!