June 26, 2013 Photo of the day: "Delicate tenacity"
Years ago, I planted a small flat of violas that preceded to take over my garden. They were very pretty, but they were everywhere. Last summer when we enlarged the garden beds, moved perennials, and replaced the mulch, I tore out handfuls of violas that were in the way and gave bunches to neighbors in an attempt to restore some order. Unfortunately, the tiny blossoms seemed to have been permanently eradicated. We were disappointed when the ones we strategically placed, withered and died. They didn't return all summer, and this spring, I eagerly searched for the first violas to pop up through the snow...nothing...until now: a few tiny and delicate, but strong and tenacious blossoms endured last year's draught and brutal winter, to return even more beautiful than I even remembered.